The Lord revealed to me in this book,
Oasis A Spa for Body and Soul by Eva Marie Everson, how my feet can be used for His will or satan's will.
When I'm not in God's word daily my feet can't be walking for Him. If I'm not walking for Him I am either lukewarm or walking for Satan. What a scary thought that I am walking for Satan. Brother Steve shared this morning that when we are walking for the Lord is when Satan will try to knock us off His path. When we are living in sin Satan is pleased and we are walking for him and he isn't concerned with us.
Romans 10:15 says, "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace." KJV
Back to Oasis, Eva had several dreams that showed bad things happening to her feet. I am going to take this directly from the book about what God revealed to her in these dreams. "In His beautiful way, God had reminded me of my calling and of His hand over that calling. He also told me that, to Him, my feet are beautiful. But, to Satan, my feet and the Gospel of peace message they bring is an ill-fitting shoe! Of course the "original" beautiful feet belonged to Jesus. His feet walked mile after mile, day after day, for three and a half extraordinary years, to tell humankind that God loved them. In a society of anything but peace, Jesus brought a message of internal, uncrushable peace. Our feet must follow in His footsteps.
Just as we should care for our physical feet, we must care for our spiritual feet as well. Again, 3 words: soak, smooth and soften.
Soak. One of the best things we can do for our physical feet is to rest them. Same goes for our spiritual feet. There are times we are called to rest. Even God rested, both on the Sabbath day and when He lived on earth as a man. As we rest, we allow God to repair us, thereby restoring us in our ministry- whatever that ministry is. Some of us are called to minister in the traditional sense; others are called to what I believe is an even higher call of ministry: raising children.
Smooth. Just as we slough away the calluses on our physical feet, so we must do so on our spiritual feet as well. What, in life, has made you "hard"? Bitternes can set in like a seed in fertile gruond. Allowed to germinate, it will sprout like a weed and begin to choke out that which is fruitful. It must be dealt with appropriately- be pulled out by the root.
Soften. As we massage away the cares of the world that seem to twist into knots in our feet- softening and soothing the skin in the process- we can do the same with our spiritual feet. Allowing someone to rub your feet is very intimate in nature. Allowing Jesus to "rub your feet" will lead to a deeper intimacy with Him as well. Anoint them with time spent in God's Holy Word. Soften them with prayer. Restore them completely as you engage in intimate moments... your feet in His lap, His hands applying His Word, His truth, His presense."
I just love how makes is to relevant!!
On a side note, if you need something for those physical feet for spring and summer time check out BeautiControl's BC Spa Pedicure collection