I took this straight from Joseph Sangl here. So click here for the info below.
Identify Savings Opportunities
Saved money is better than a pay raise! Think about it, you will bring home after taxes about $0.70 for every $1.00 that you earn. So if you received a $1,000 pay raise, you really get to bring home about $700.
If you save $1.00, however, you actually have an entire extra $1.00 to spend! If you save $1,000, you actually have an extra $1,000 because it is take-home money that has already been taxed!
How could YOU save $1,000 in 2012?
Here is a short list of key areas where you can save TONS of money in 2012:
•Home and Auto Insurance The average person who has not gotten new quotes in the last two years will save between $500 and $700 per year! I really like THIS WEBSITE for obtaining on-line quotes. (see the above link)
•o% Balance Transfer Credit Cards Transfer that credit card balance that has high interest rates and surf the balance to a 0-percent balance transfer credit card and have all of your payment be applied to principal. Check out the ON-LINE OFFERS. (see the above link)
•Grocery Coupons Save between 20 and 30-percent on your grocery purchases by timing the use of coupons with the best sales. THESE WEBSITES are great and FREE providers of coupon lists for your favorite grocery stores. (see the above link)
What are some ways that YOU are planning to save money in 2012?
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