Monday, July 30, 2012

Irregular/Seasonal/Cyclical Income Budgeting

More great money info from Joseph Sangl.  Check him out here.

There is a large group of people whose family economy is powered by irregular income.
Real estate agents, hair stylists, commissioned salesmen, and business owners all experience cyclical income.
Folks who live with this type of income often tell me that it is impossible to budget. They say that they have no idea how much they will make this month, so it makes budgeting impossible.
I say that not only is it possible, but people with irregular income need a budget more than anyone!!
In this series of posts, I will explain how to budget with irregular income. Here’s a hint – It’s EZ!!!
Step 1 – Recognize it!
You must recognize that you have irregular income! If you have ever starved to death during the “off” season, you KNOW what I am talking about! In order to stop having your life severely impacted by “off” seasons, you must prepare!
Question of the Day: If your family economy is powered by irregular income, what do you do to prepare for “off” seasons?

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