First of all, Tucker is doing so great with potty training. We are in big boy pants all the time except at night. I'm so proud of how good he is doing. For the most part he really is a sweet little boy. Today Tuck and I had to go to Target to get some more video tapes because we used up all the tape for our video camera last Friday night when we were video taping him saying his ABCs, saying the blessing, counting to 10, dancing, etc.
We walk in Target and I asked him if he wanted to walk on his own or ride in the buggy. He informed me that he would like to walk but that he would keep his hands behind his back. So we are walking along (just beyond the entrance) and in a very excited voice says, "Mommy would it be okay if we check out Target's toy cowection (collection)." I lost it, right there in the front of the store I am just laughing hysterically. Needless to say, we checked out Target's cowection before we left.