Monday, January 30, 2012

Biblical Financial Lessons – Proverbs 21:5

Here is another post from Joseph Sangl on how to make sound financial dicisions based on the Bible.

Check out Joseph's site here. – “Biblical Financial Lessons”

I believe that the Bible is the best money book ever written, and I really want to take some time each week to share the money lessons I have learned from the Word.

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty.

This verse is the guiding principle of every financial decision I make.

There are two potential outcomes that exist in this verse:


I may not know anything about you, but I do know this – you would choose profit over poverty every single time. We all want our lives to be profitable. This verse provides the map for a profitable life.

Look at the verse again. It shares two key principles that will help each of us have profit.

It states that “the PLANS of the DILIGENT” leads to profit. We must have a plan.

Let me ask you a question – “Do YOU have a plan? For your life? For your marriage? For your MONEY?

Having a plan is not enough, however. We must be diligent in following the plan! Diligence means that we are steadfast, consistent, persistent, disciplined, focused, and willing to persevere in spite of difficult circumstances.

Let’s break this down into practical terms and circumstances. Planning with diligence means that we …

■Have a budget and actually follow it
■Have a life plan and pursue it daily
■Live purposefully instead of lazily
■Refuse to listen to the critics and continue to relentlessly pursue our dream


1.Do you have a long-term financial plan?
2.Do you have a monthly budget?
3.Do you follow your monthly budget?
4.Is your life leading to profit or poverty?

What is ONE THING you could do today that would make a difference tomorrow?

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