Friday, September 9, 2011

Art Cookies

Each week at pre-school T is working a new letter. Last week he learned the letter A. On Friday the kids have special snack that the Moms take turns bringing in.

I signed up for the letter A because I remembered seeing a great idea in Martha Stewart Living!! So, T and I made Art cookies last week!!! He loves to help so I thought it would be fun for him to help make something for his class and learn more about the letter A.

Here is a little video of the experience (please excuse my southern accent, geez it sounds worse on video)...

Daddy came in as we were adding the food coloring and helped us...

Here is my precious preschooler with his Art Cookies. He however wasn't feeling 100%that day so we had to take the cookies to school and come back home. At least we had fun making them!!

If you would like to make them with your child click here to find Martha's recipe!! Please not that we didn't use straws since we were taking them to pre-school. We used toothpicks to spread the food coloring.


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