Every year our city has a wonderful event called Christmas in a Railroad Town. We love going and enjoy being in the quaint downtown part of our city. We enjoyed eating dinner downtown and all of the activities!!
This year T was able to make a shirt...

Then we got to watch it "dry"

Then he wrote/drew a letter to Santa (notice he had to put his shirt on)

T was very happy is girlfriend and her family met up with us downtown...

Here we are in front of the huge Christmas tree that we have taken a picture in front of every year...

(sorry the picture is so bad, again thank you Mom and Dad for the new camera you gave us for Christmas)
Our first year in front of the tree...
So this was Friday night then Saturday morning we attended the Santa breakfast!!!
There we......
Decorated cookies (this is the only picture my camera would work for but thank goodness for the iPhone)

Talked to Santa...
Spent more time with Libster...
Enjoyed delicious food...
(see, I do exist)
Santa even came to our table...
Then we headed to E-town to celebrate, early, my hubby and Father in-law's birthday...

It was quite the weekend. See why I am just now posting Christmas in February, lol?!?!
Also, if you are interested in walking or running, Junior League of Lee County is having our 6th annual Walk & Run on April 14,2012 at 9:00 a.m. at Town Creek Park. Cost is $15 before April 1st and $20 after. I have a form that I will be glad to e-mail. It's a pdf so I coudln't get it to upload here. You can also find a form online here. Please put my name on it so that I can get the credit!! The chidlren of Lee County and the League members thank you!!
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